Course Introduction
One of the strongest desires we may experience is to be accepted. We long to “fit in” and “be-a part” of something. Sometimes, we believe that the only way to be accepted is to change who we are. This can be as simple as our looks, how we talk, or even the things we like. However, it can run so much deeper so quickly. We begin to frame our lives around what we believe others want and this drives us to act not based on who we are in Christ, but who we believe others want us to be.
If our acceptance is based on what others think, then the journey to being accepted is filled with our own efforts and works. Acceptance becomes all about what I can do.
But, the outcome of this journey is exhaustion. The expectations will always be more. The goal posts are always changing. And we will always feel like we’re just falling short of the goal line.
The Bible has a different journey for us. We find in Scripture that our Acceptance is not based on what we can do but on what Christ has already done. We look back to the cross to find that our Acceptance has already been put on display for the world to see.
In this four video session we walk through this journey in detail. Each video is 5-8 minutes longs and comes accompanied with reflection questions. Each session also has a suggested Scripture to memorize. We want God's word not only accessible to us, but within us. Memorizing Scripture is an incredible and vital aspect of our spiritual formation that is often and easily overlooked.
As we journey together through God's Word we will find that the way of Jesus will not exhaust us, but set us free to truly live with His confidence because we have received His acceptance.
~ Joel Muddamalle
How To Structure the Study:
The four modules are 5-8 minute in-depth video teachings. You can work through each of the modules at your own pace. A couple options:
Weekly Devotions - Watch 1 module a week and work through the reflection questions that week. (Over 4 weeks)
- Journal your thoughts and reflections on the teaching and Scripture verse
- Memorize that weeks Scripture
- Over the weekend commit to dialogue what your learned by processing with a trusted friend or your family
Slow BURN - Watch 1 module a day and do the reflection questions. Take the weekend to catch up on any questions or modules you may have missed. Pick a verse from the four modules to memorize.
BINGE - Watch as many videos as you can/want. Do the reflections questions. Binge this bad boy like your favorite Netflix show.